Discover What's Hidden – The Power of Location
We found 5 courses available for you
Course Meta
30 Days
Geospatial Analysis with R
INR 9999
  • 60 Lessons
Geospatial Analysis with R
INR 9999

This course is your companion for applying machine learning algorithms on GIS and remote sensing data. You’ll start by gaining an understanding of the nature of spatial data and installing R and QGIS.

  • 60 Lessons
Course Meta
30 Days
QGIS - Opensource WebGIS
INR 4999
  • 60 Lessons
QGIS - Opensource WebGIS
INR 4999

This course based on creating powerful and interactive web mapping applications using the rich set of features provided by Opensource map API like leaflet/Open Layers

  • 60 Lessons
Course Meta
60 Days
GIS - ArcPY(Python)
INR 9999
  • 120 Lessons
GIS - ArcPY(Python)
INR 9999

  • 120 Lessons
Course Meta
60 Days
GIS - HTML, CSS & JavaScript API
INR 19999
  • 120 Lessons
GIS - HTML, CSS & JavaScript API
INR 19999

The Certificate Course ArcGIS for JavaScript API/WebApp Builder is designed to teach participants how to build web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The course introduces the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and covers topics such as web maps, layers, apps, and API and SDK usage. Participants will gain hands-on experience and receive a certificate from AGSRT.

  • 120 Lessons
Course Meta
60 Days
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript
INR 25000
  • 120 Lessons
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript
INR 25000

ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Certificate Course By The Industrial Experts

  • 120 Lessons